You will want to click on Training Audios under the heading Real Estate Investing on the Tutorials Page. The specific audio you should listen to is "How To Find Buyers and Close Deals".
Also I've listed some some tips from Joe below.
The most important part of selling is that you bought them right - and with the For Rent Method, that means that the monthly payment is in line with market rent. If it's high, you will wait a long time before they are sold.
The sign in the yard is the most important thing.
Rent to Buy
No Qualifying
Move In Today
Have that number go to your cell.
Run classifieds in craigslist with Rent To Buy and No Qualifying somewhere in the headline.
Also run an ad on zillow for the house.
You can also use
We've also had some excellent success posting the houses for sale on facebook groups. Find some local ("garage sale" or "items for sale" type) facebook groups with at least a few thousand people and get permission from the group moderator to post your rent to buy house.
Put a lockbox on the door.
If you can, put signs up around the neighborhood - put a voicemail number on these signs, not your cell.
Answer your phone when they call and get the people inside. Hopefully, you put a lockbox on the door so you can show folks - you don't have to be there if it's a vacant house.
No one else's sign should be in the yard.
If it's not sold in 30 days and you do these things, you have a monthly price problem.
If the seller can clean it up - that would be good.
If it's warm out, keep the house cool and visa versa. Don't let them save a few bucks on utilities and have a hot house - it will cause it to smell and be uncomfortable when buyers are there.
Remember - Price (monthly payment) is VITAL - and I'm talking about monthly payment, not purchase price. If you do the signs and craigslist ads and get 3 to
4 responses a week - you will sell it in a month IF it is priced properly. The biggest mistake new folks make is the pricing and showing - make sure to listen to the Finding Buyers audio again.
Give yourself time to get it sold - make sure it's not above market rent. If you get responses and it doesn't sell, you are overpriced.
Check your CL ad to make sure it didn't ghost when you posted it.
These are the things you should focus on.
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