You will want to make sure that the Credit Card you have under the Account Settings is correct.
You may need to re-enter it.
You also may want to check with your bank for why your card is being declined.
The Phone System is set up to allow only one $20 charge per day as a Safe Guard against you spending a lot more than you want.
In this case it, it will show a Too Many Charges error.
(If you need to spend more than $20 a day, you will need to let Support know and we can charge a larger amount to your credit card on file and add that credit to your account so that you will not be limited to spending only $20 per day.)
how do you make a one time payment?
Hi Fernando,
Just let is know what card to use at support and we can have Tina charge it. Support can then add it manually. It appears that you have increased the daily spend limit so you should be good to go after this.
Best wishes,
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