All commercial email legally must have a physical address to comply with the CAN-SPAM law.
I recommend that you use an address other than your home address for privacy/safety reasons since this address is available to anyone who wants to do a WHOIS seach.
This can be a rented box from a local business center or UPS Store-an address such as: 124 Wilshire Blvd Suite 420, Anytown, State, ZIP
Last resort is a PO Box, which only was recently legalized to act as a physical address for this purpose. I don't recommend a PO Box because most people see it as you are hiding behind it and you lose credibility.
Some US Post Offices can provide Enhanced Services which includes Street Addressing service — customers have the option to use the street address of their Post Office™ location for their mailing address, along with the box number. This address gives customers the opportunity to receive packages through private carriers:
John Smith
123 Main Street #4567
Any town, NY 10001
More information can be found here:
You will also want to change the Contact Address with the Registrar of your website domains, since this information can easily be found by anyone searching the WHOIS database. If you purchased from Joe's Godaddy Reseller account, you would log into your account at: . Otherwise, you would log into Godaddy or whatever company you purchased your domains through.
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