Here is an update on the Zillow scraper.
The Zillow Scraper was released on August 29 and is up and running in BETA right now.
See Zillow Scraper Introduction email from Joe below.
It is working and pulling in leads.
We have had a few minor glitches as we've rolled it out to everyone.
1) Some people were still having a limit on areas they can scrape. This issue is fixed and users are now able to add as many areas as you want.
2) Some users are having an issue with the Zillow scraper pulling cities with the same name from other states. The Programming Team is working on this and hope to have it resolved soon. So it is best to use the Zip Code Search for the time being.
Here is a tool that can help you with getting the zip codes within a certain area.
3) Zillow City and Zip Code searches are the two search options available.
The Zillow URL Search function that Joe talks about in the intro video is not going to be added at this time. There was a problem with that function, so we will be putting our efforts on improving the system in other ways first.
Some of the planned features for the future are Absentee Owner Leads and Snail Mail (postal mail).
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We appreciate your support and thank you for your patience.
Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Automarketer Phone System <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 10:26 PM
Subject: The Zillow Scraper Is Now ACTIVE!
To All Automarketer Users,
We just switched the system over from scraping Craigslist to scraping Zillow.
The next time you login to your Automarketer account, a video will pop up and you can listen to it for an explanation of what we've done and why.
This is a pretty major change to the system and we will be debugging it over the next few days, but it is up and running in BETA right now. Expect a few glitches in the road as all of our users come online and start using it.
Please login to your account, watch the video and let us know if you have any problems with the system that need to be addressed.
Once we get everything settled down (code-wise) we are hoping that this scraper is going to be the most stable one we have ever had.
Thank you for your patience and your support - and thank you for hanging in there with us. I think it's going to be well worth your while.
Thank you,
Joe Crump and support staff
Copyright - Crump Publishing Inc. 5868 E 71st St, Ste E #205 Indianapolis, IN 46220-4076
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